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Our Elite Brazilian Jujitsu Academy Scottsdale is a premier training center for Brazilian Jujitsu with two high-level Black Belt Professors, who teaches the adult and youth programs respectively.

Youth BJJ Program


Our youth BJJ program is designed to provide a safe environment for children to learn how to defend themselves while having fun. The program itself helps to develop confidence, self-respect, discipline and responsibility.

Our program achieves this by focusing on skill building drills to develop body awareness, strength, agility, and flexibility. All techniques are taught with a safety in mind which allows students to develop the confidence to apply the techniques on resisting partners without sacrificing effectiveness.


Adult BJJ Program


Our  Adult Brazilian Jujitsu Program is taught by two high-level Black Belt Professors

The majority of the techniques of Brazilian JuJitsu (BJJ) is centered round the skill of taking an opponent down to the ground and grappling for dominant control. Then, overcoming an opponent of greater size, strength, and aggression with lesser size and strength is the unique aspect of the Brazilian JuJitsu which is achieved by utilizing superior leverage, grip, and position to defeat your opponent.

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